WHO WE ARE                                      Trinity Lutheran Church, Hawarden, Iowa                                      

Here at Trinity we are sinners saved only by Jesus Christ! God Father, Son, and Holy Spirit comes to us in worship through His Word & the Sacraments of Holy Baptism and the Lord’s Supper to give us forgiveness and new life. It’s all about Jesus! Worship is God’s service to us. God’s worship uses His Word in historic liturgies (services) handed down from generations, but spoken and sung with both old and new words and tunes.  At Trinity we use services and hymns found in our Synod’s hymnal: Lutheran Service Book. Communion is offered on the 1st & 3rd & 5th weekends for active members of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod. Guests and visitors are asked to speak with Pastor prior to communion to ensure they receive the Lord’s Supper as the Lord intended for their good and not for harm (1 Corinthians 11:27).

We are family focused, and encourage parents to teach their children how we receive God's gifts in weekly worship, Sunday School, and family devotions at home. We have Children's Activity Bulletins and bags, and a Nursery available for children to use as needed. In addition to Sunday School held from September to May, we offer a Christ-centered Vacation Bible School each June. Young families meet monthly for both family and youth activities which strengthen faith, share life’s challenges, and provide fun and fellowship. We offer numerous opportunities for seniors to meet together and grow in God’s Word. Our pastor cares about you, your family, and your Christian faith. He loves to visit you at home, in the hospital or care facility, or at any time you are in need of Christ’s care. 

Lowe Family

Pastor Joshua Lowe

Staff at Trinity

​Office Manager, Lycia Anderson